Turkey Creek Semen  -     Caesar 



For the Best in Bloodlines - Invest in Your Bulls 

CAESAR da Izano    IT019500148631

Date of Birth: 06 October 2000

Az. Ag. Massari F.lli Izano Cremona Italy

    Sire    TONINO   CE 24521    G+  83,5
NAPOLI    CE 26216    VG 85  

GENETIC INDEX September 2006



  NON TI SAZI MAI   CE18428  G+  81
PKM Milk F Kg P Kg   Year days Milk F % P %
20,97 79,68 6,95 3,91   4 1998 270 2884 8,10  

     MALANDRINO  CE  24552   VG 89
INSEGNA   CR 866   G+ 84    MGD
     COLORIZIO     CE  28255     G+ 81
Milk Year days Year days Milk F % P %
1 1995 270 2713 9,7 4,7   2 1998 270 3744 8,52 4,38
2 1996 270 3726 8,0 4,5              
3 1997 263 3664 7,7 4,7              
4 1999 270 3944 8,1 4,7              
5 2000 270 3849 7,8 4,6              
6 2001 270 4161 8,0 4,6              
7 2004 270 3741 8,1 4,9              


GENETIC INDEX  September 2006   GENETIC INDEX June 1997


 PKM Milk P Kg P % F Kg F %   PKM Milk F Kg P Kg   PKM Milk F Kg P Kg
78,08 278,03 13,91 0,04 25,00 0,08   115,04 498,48 33,70 22,85   82,03 514,70 31,00 16,70


ANASB April 2011                      

On CAESAR IT019500148631 pedigree we can find the best of what the Italian buffalo genetic can offer as today. The sire NAPOLI CE 28216 is an excellent proven buffalo with 237 lactation in 28 herds, and it is at the 9th place on the proven buffalo ranking. The dam INSEGNA CR630 B+ 82 is an extraordinary buffalo at the top of the
genetic index ranking for PKM, Milk, Kg of Fat and Kg of Protein. On Insegna production career we can find, beside the outstanding production, a very good continuity and regularity on the calving and lactation. Her maternal grandsire MALANDRINO CE 24552 is an outstanding sire, a lot of his daughter are at the top on the Genetics Index ranking.





Postal Address :
419 Turkey Creek Lane 
Texarkana , Arkansas 71854 - USA
Contact Information: by E-mail - TJ Olson

Phone: 870-772-3510


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