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ESTIMATION OF GENETIC PARAMETERS OF MILK TRAITS IN IRANIAN BUFFALOES Naghmeh Ashoori 1; Hamidreza Naderfard1; Hidar ghiasi 21. National animal breeding center . E.mails: Naghmeh_ashoori@yahoo.com -Hnaderfard@yahoo.com 2. Professor assistance of Payam noor university . E.mail: Hghiasi@gmil.comAbstract In order to study the productive traits and estimation of genetic parameters of milk traits and fat percentage of Iranian buffaloes, the data of 11856 buffaloes of 175 herds in six provinces of: Khuzestan, West and East Azerbaijan, Gilan, Mazandaran and Ardabil from 2000 to 2012 collected by National Animal Breeding Centre (NABC) in Karaj city were used. After edition of data by software of Excel and Foxporo, total of 23652 milk and 22178 fat records were used for estimation of genetic parameters. The data which birth dates were not coordinate with calving date and milk yield were culled. Also, the production traits which were out of range (μ±35) were culled. These buffaloes had 7- 8 sequent monthly records with 210 days of lactation, approximately. Because of lack of special milking correction coefficients for buffaloes, data were corrected based on 305 days, the correction coefficient which is used for Holstein dairy cattle by NABC (In order to avoid the errors originated from different ages of animals in the beginning of production). By using linear model, effect of fixed factors were assessed by SAS software and GLM procedure. Estimation of correction coefficient was done based on provincial groups. Estimation of genetic parameters for milk and fat production with single – trait analysis was done by SAS software. Estimation of the means of daily milk, total lactation yield and fat percentage were: 8.5 kg, 1874 kg and 6.47% respectively. Mean of lactation length and age at first calving (AFC) were: 210 days and 47 month, respectively. Heritability of : milk yield, fat yield and fat percentage were: 0.29, 0.28 and 0.29 respectively. Repeatability of: milk yield and fat percentage were: 0.258 and 0.298, . Results of this study shows that effect of lactation period on milk yield was significant (p< 0.01). Key words: Iranian buffaloes, genetic parameters, milk. Introduction The most important stage of genetic improvement of superior dairy animals is accurate milk recording . Because by analysing of these records we can estimate genetic potential of each animal, particularly the males who don’t produce milk but their daughters and other relations. Establishment of international committee for animal recording (ICAR) shows the importance of accurate recording for genetic improvement of animals. Identification and distribution of the genes of the best bulls can be the base of producing the high yield dairy buffaloes. In Iran milk recording is planned and managed by National Animal Breeding Centre (NARC) in Karaj City. By producing milk, meat and different dairy products in traditional system, buffalo small herds (1-10 heads) play a significant role in occupation (mainly for women), increased income, integral part of crop production and finally the betterment of welfare in rural families. Therefore, in order to identification of the best animals and dissemination of the genes related to economic traits such as milk yield and fat percentage, this estimation was done by statistical analyses of productive and reproductive records of 11856 buffaloes in rural herds of Iran. 34 Material and methods In this study, in order to estimate the genetic parameters of milk and fat yield and fat percentage, 23652 records of lactation period (210 days) from 11856 buffaloes in 175 herd collected by N.A.B.C from 1999 to 2009 were used. The data were recorded in special chart including: ear tag, register number, parents number, herd and province code, birth and calving date, parity, date of drying, milk yield, fat percentage and date of recording. The data were stored, edited in data bank of foxpro. False, unusual and uncorrectable data were culled. Because of high variation among records of milk yield, fat and protein the data out of range (μ±3 δ) were culled. The data more than 30 kg/d and fat percentagemore than 12% were culled. The used model was: Y ijk = μ + b1 (Xijk – ) + b2 (Zijk - ) + aj + Pej + eijkWhich: Y ijk= observations related to milk yield, fat yield, fat percentageμ = total mean in population b L = coefficient of functionality of productive traits from animal age in calving time.X ijk=age of animal in calving time = mean of animal ageb 2= coefficient of functionality of productive trait from number of milking days.Zijk = number of milking days = means of lactation period ai = effect of animal (random) ei= residues (random) Results and discussion Mean of milk and fat yield increase along with increment of lactation, but fat percentage changes in different lactation. Actually in buffaloes, milk yield has increasing trend in and from third lactations. Productive traits in different lactations. A - The fat percentage during the year 1999-2011 is reported in figure 1, as milk yield during the period1999-2012 is reported in figure 3. Total mean milk and fat yield in different lactations were 1874 and 123.21 kg respectively. Mean of corrected 305 days milk yield in Khuzestani and Azeri breed were 2832.3 and 1927.5 kg respectively. These amount for Nili-Ravi and Murrah are announced 2100 and 1950 respectively (Khan et al.,2009). In Philippine Swamp buffaloes were 1244 kg (De Olivera Seno et al., 2007). B -Mean of age at first calving (AFC) in this study was estimated about 47 months. AFC of 45 monthswas found in Khuzestani buffaloes. Manafiazar et al., (2009) announced 39 months in Azeri buffaloes .Mean of AFC in different herds of Indian Murrah buffaloes varies 40-55 months. This shows that management factors (mainly nutrition) have significant role in decreasing AFC in buffaloes. Estimation of genetic parameters Genetic parameters of studied traits show a high genetic variance within Iranian buffaloes. Such a variance was confirmed in genetic analysis of single and multi traits analysis. This variance indicates 35 lack of significant selection in Iranian buffaloes population. Consequently, a presence of an intact population. C - Genetic parameters of milk and fat production in 210 days.Results of analysis show that estimated heritability of milk yield, fat yield, percentage of fat were: 0.29,028, and 0.29, respectively. Which is relatively close to similar studies. Range of heritability of milk yield is reported from 0.1 in Nili Ravi (Tomanoharan et al., 2002) to 0.26 in Brazilian Murrah (Aspilcueta-Burquis et al., 2009) and 0.4 (De Araujo et al., 2007). Hassanpur (2010) estimated the h 2 ofmilk yield from 0.37 to 0.58%. The high h 2 of this study, likely, is due to use more data andparticularly more complete pedigree and placement of village effect instead of herd effect in model. D -Estimation of breeding value and genetic trendIn order to estimate breeding value of single trait of milk yield, the data of first to third lactations in N.A.B.C were used. The gradient of cure for estimation of genetic trend of milk yield in the most analysis were positive which indicates the effect of selection in recent years. Unfortunately, still, there is not a significant genetic improvement on the milk production in Iranian buffaloes. The reasons are: 1 -Buffalo raising is in extensive system and buffaloes are dispersed.2 - National program of buffalo development is recently established.3 - Lack of sufficient pedigree (particularly sire relations).4 - Lack of progeny testing of breeding males.5 - So far, selection of semen donor males has been based on body condition and performance of motherand sister of bulls. Culling of low yield animals can be effective in genetic improvement of buffaloes. Moreover, by some technology ways such as superovulation and embryo transfer we can increase high yield female buffaloes instead of low yield buffaloes. Genetic trends estimated from single trait analyses of milk and fat production in first lactations are show in figures 2 and 4. It is recommended that milk recording will be taken with more accuracy to achieve the genetic improvement, that should be given as a priority. References Khan, M. S., Rehman and F. Hassan. 2009. Breeding buffaloes in genomics era - issues of recording and evaluation, Pakistan J. Zool., 9. Manafiazar,G., R.Pirmohammadi,A.Golghasemgharabagh and Z. Hemmati.2009.Buffalo Breeding in west azarbaijan,Iran. Pakistan J Zool supp.9:103-105 Hasanpur.k,2010.Genetic evaluation of Iranian buffalo bulls.M.Sc thesis.Faculty of agriculture university of Tehran. Tomanoharan.2002, K., W.Vandepitte, G. Mohiuddin and K. Javad. 2002. Animal model heritability estimates for various production and reproduction traits of Nili-Ravi buffaloes.International J Agri & Bio.4:357-361. De Oliveira Seno, L., H.Tonhati,V.L.Carddoso, L.El Aspilcueta-Burquis, R.R., C. Sesana, M.H.M, Berrocall, L.De oliviera Seno,A.Baga Bignardi and L.El.faro. 2009. Genetic parameters for milk, fat and protein yields in Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis Artiodactyla,Bovidae). Gene and Mol. Biol. De Araujo, C.V., A. Amorim Ramos, S.Inooe Araujo, L.Celi Chaves and A.S.Schierholt. 2007. Buffalos milk yield analysis using random regression models. Italian J. Anim. Sci.,6:279-282 Results and discussion Mean of milk and fat yield increase along with increment of lactation, but fat percentage changes in different lactation. Actually in buffaloes, milk yield has increasing trend in and from third lactations. Productive traits in different lactations. A - The fat percentage during the year 1999-2011 is reported in figure 1, as milk yield during the period1999-2012 is reported in figure 3. Total mean milk and fat yield in different lactations were 1874 and 123.21 kg respectively. Mean of corrected 305 days milk yield in Khuzestani and Azeri breed were 2832.3 and 1927.5 kg respectively. These amount for Nili-Ravi and Murrah are announced 2100 and 1950 respectively (Khan et al.,2009). In Philippine Swamp buffaloes were 1244 kg (De Olivera Seno et al., 2007). B -Mean of age at first calving (AFC) in this study was estimated about 47 months. AFC of 45 monthswas found in Khuzestani buffaloes. Manafiazar et al., (2009) announced 39 months in Azeri buffaloes .Mean of AFC in different herds of Indian Murrah buffaloes varies 40-55 months. This shows that management factors (mainly nutrition) have significant role in decreasing AFC in buffaloes. Estimation of genetic parameters Genetic parameters of studied traits show a high genetic variance within Iranian buffaloes. Such a variance was confirmed in genetic analysis of single and multi traits analysis. This variance indicates 35 lack of significant selection in Iranian buffaloes population. Consequently, a presence of an intact population. C - Genetic parameters of milk and fat production in 210 days.Results of analysis show that estimated heritability of milk yield, fat yield, percentage of fat were: 0.29,028, and 0.29, respectively. Which is relatively close to similar studies. Range of heritability of milk yield is reported from 0.1 in Nili Ravi (Tomanoharan et al., 2002) to 0.26 in Brazilian Murrah (Aspilcueta-Burquis et al., 2009) and 0.4 (De Araujo et al., 2007). Hassanpur (2010) estimated the h 2 ofmilk yield from 0.37 to 0.58%. The high h 2 of this study, likely, is due to use more data andparticularly more complete pedigree and placement of village effect instead of herd effect in model. D -Estimation of breeding value and genetic trendIn order to estimate breeding value of single trait of milk yield, the data of first to third lactations in N.A.B.C were used. The gradient of cure for estimation of genetic trend of milk yield in the most analysis were positive which indicates the effect of selection in recent years. Unfortunately, still, there is not a significant genetic improvement on the milk production in Iranian buffaloes. The reasons are: 1 -Buffalo raising is in extensive system and buffaloes are dispersed.2 - National program of buffalo development is recently established.3 - Lack of sufficient pedigree (particularly sire relations).4 - Lack of progeny testing of breeding males.5 - So far, selection of semen donor males has been based on body condition and performance of motherand sister of bulls. Culling of low yield animals can be effective in genetic improvement of buffaloes. Moreover, by some technology ways such as superovulation and embryo transfer we can increase high yield female buffaloes instead of low yield buffaloes. Genetic trends estimated from single trait analyses of milk and fat production in first lactations are show in figures 2 and 4. It is recommended that milk recording will be taken with more accuracy to achieve the genetic improvement, that should be given as a priority. References Khan, M. S., Rehman and F. Hassan. 2009. Breeding buffaloes in genomics era - issues of recording and evaluation, Pakistan J. Zool., 9. Manafiazar,G., R.Pirmohammadi,A.Golghasemgharabagh and Z. Hemmati.2009.Buffalo Breeding in west azarbaijan,Iran. Pakistan J Zool supp.9:103-105 Hasanpur.k,2010.Genetic evaluation of Iranian buffalo bulls.M.Sc thesis.Faculty of agriculture university of Tehran. Tomanoharan.2002, K., W.Vandepitte, G. Mohiuddin and K. Javad. 2002. Animal model heritability estimates for various production and reproduction traits of Nili-Ravi buffaloes.International J Agri & Bio.4:357-361. De Oliveira Seno, L., H.Tonhati,V.L.Carddoso, L.El Aspilcueta-Burquis, R.R., C. Sesana, M.H.M, Berrocall, L.De oliviera Seno,A.Baga Bignardi and L.El.faro. 2009. Genetic parameters for milk, fat and protein yields in Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis Artiodactyla,Bovidae). Gene and Mol. Biol. De Araujo, C.V., A. Amorim Ramos, S.Inooe Araujo, L.Celi Chaves and A.S.Schierholt. 2007. Buffalos milk yield analysis using random regression models. Italian J. Anim. Sci.,6:279-282 36