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Water Buffalo Types:Throughout the world there are two General types - Swamp buffalo and River buffalo - within the River Breed there are 18 sub-species. The sub-species are generally water buffalo- raised through centuries in a given local. They developed their own characteristics as they adapted to their surroundings and nature. Cattle - 60 Chromosomes Swamp Buffalo48 chromosomes - A multi-purpose Farm animal - Draft - transportation - meat - and some milk. Essential for many Farmers through-out our World - Description: Swept back horns in a crescent shape - with 2 white chevrons in neck area usually slate gray to black - Swept back in a crescent shape - some variations - Swamp Picture River Buffalo50 chromosomes - More of a milk animal but also used for draft in some parts - 18 Sub-species - many different shapes and sizes: characteristics developed over centuries in a given local tight curl - Murrah - Nili-Ravi, - down and up - Jaffarabadi - Italian- Mediterranean - horns head out and stop - no curl - etc..
River and Swamp animals will cross - (49 chromosomes) - making for a hybrid - sometimes with the best traits of both. The Philippines under the guise of - Dr. Libertado Cruz - have done extensive work in upgrading their Swamp Buffalo with River stocks. See Philippine Carabao Center Official Website Some Examples of River Types: Water BUFFALO | ______________________________ | | African wild buffalo Asian buffalo Syncerus caffar ____________________________ Subspecies: S. caffar caffar Wild buffaloes Domestic buffalo (Cape Buffalo) S. c.brachyceros | | S. c.nanus | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | Indian wild Arni Anoa Tamarao | Bubalus arnee Bubalus Bubalus | depressicorais mindorensis | | | _____________________________ | | River Type Swamp Type Bubalus Bubalus bubalis carabanesis
USA - Short history Initial importations from Guam and Trinidad. The animals from Guam -Swamps and Trinidad an assortment of the River breeds there. In Trinidad - Dr. Steve Bennett - did extensive breeding work with the aim of a multi-purpose animal. Meat - Milk and draft - labeled - Buffalypso a mixture of - Jaffarabadi, Surti, Murrah and Nili Ravi - not to be confused with latter USA importations - where all the animals coming in were named " Buffalypso". Aside from these importations, there were a few Zoo animals that were released to the public. With initial importations - late 1970's came 2 bulls - one died and for many years- blood lines were very tight. The Zoo animals helped and then the later importations from Trinidad - late 1980's early 1990's - opened up the bloodlines, however, none of the animals had any type of lineage. Because of restrictions, there were few introductions of imported semen - one used extensively - was from a prized Murrah bull from Brazil. Lately - the last 6 years , Italian semen has passed restrictions and has relieved a bloodline bottleneck. The Italians have done extensive work with their signature - "Mediterranean" buffaloes - breeding for milk production. Take a look at these production figures: Water Buffalo Semen
River - Swamp - Water Buffalo Types