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Wis. farmer milks water buffaloPublished:Jan.1,2011
MILWAUKEE, 1 (UPI) -- A Wisconsin farmer sporting several bruises from his work said the injuries are worth the money he makes from milking his water buffalo. Dubi Ayalon, who said milking water buffalo is a more difficult job than his former position as a lieutenant colonel in the Israeli military, said he braves the sharp-horned animals' wrath because the milk is worth five times the price of cow's milk at the Cedar Grove Cheese Co., where he is the only supplier of water buffalo milk, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Friday. The milk is used to create fresh mozzarella di bufala, a cheese with a short shelf-life revered for its use in pizza topping. Ayalon said he prays in Hebrew every day while milking his seven water buffalo. "Every morning, I'm singing to them, praying to God it will go OK," he said. "It's me, the buffalo and God. They trust me and no one else."